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FAQ about the the devCad team applications

You can find here a list of the most frequently asked question. Use the Contact link if you need more info.

     Can I have a discount to get a Lifetime license if I purchased a 1 Year license

     I installed the application, but it doesn't start or exits without a message. What happens?

     Do the applications need other Cad software to work?

     Do the applications direct drive the CNC machine?

     How can I buy a license and how will I get it?

     Does the application license expires?

     I have 2 (or more) computers, do I need multiple licenses?

     What happens to my license if/when I change the computer?

     I need to use multiple applications among devFoam, devFoam Pro, devFus Foam, devFus, devCad, devWing, Profili Pro and I want to use the Usb keyas licensing system. Do I need an Usb key for each application?

     What happens if I have the Usb key and I need new applications or upgrade to a new version?

     What happens if my Usb key stops to work?

     How does your upgrade policy works?

     Do you have local resellers?

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